UP: Supreme Court refuses to stay Allahabad High Court ruling against disqualification case of Abdullah Azam

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New Delhi, Jan 17: Hearing the disqualification case of Abdullah Azam, son of SP leader Azam Khan, the Supreme Court has issued a notice. The Supreme Court said that they are not satisfied with the petition, yet will hear it. The High Court gave its verdict based on the facts.

The Supreme Court refused to stay the Allahabad High Court ruling. This means that Abdullah’s disqualification will remain. The Supreme Court also refused to stay the proceedings against Abdullah in the case of tampering of documents.

Abdullah Azam has challenged the disqualification order of the Allahabad High Court in the Supreme Court. Abdullah has said in his petition that according to scientific tests and physical examination and his mother’s service book, Abdullah was also born in 1990.

On the other hand, Nawab Kazim Ali, a BSP candidate from the Swar seat of Rampur, has also filed a caveat petition in the Supreme Court. He has said in his petition that whenever Abdullah Azam’s petition is heard by the Supreme Court, the court should also listen to him.

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