Israel bans travel to 7 countries including India

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Jerusalem, 02 May: Israel, the first country in the world, has cancelled the mandatory wearing of mask in the public, but has banned its citizens from travelling to seven countries, including India, while being alert to the pandemic.

Israel has issued this advisory to its citizens, citing uncontrolled increases in cases of Covid-19 infection. Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Health said in a joint statement issued on Sunday that Israeli citizens would not be allowed to travel to Ukraine, Brazil, Ethiopia, South Africa, India, Mexico and Turkey.

For Israeli citizens, this order will come into effect from May 3 and will remain in effect until May 16. Non-Israeli citizens, however, will be able to travel to these countries provided they plan to stay in these countries permanently.

However, this order will not apply to those who have stayed in airports in any of these countries for 12 hours while waiting for an aircraft.

The Israeli government has also empowered the Minister of Health and Internal Affairs to head the appeals committee and appoint a representative to review special cases.

According to local media reports, the Health Ministry has proposed that those returning from these seven countries be compulsorily kept aside for two weeks regardless of whether they have received the Covid-19 vaccine or are recovering from the pandemic. Have been done the ministry said that Covid-19, which has not been found infected twice in the investigation report, will also have to remain isolated for 10 days.

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