Iran confesses shooting down Ukrainian airplane ‘unintentionally’, cites Iranian state TV

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Tehran, 11 January: Iran finally admitted today that Ukraine’s passenger plane crashed on January 8 due to an Iranian missile, a major ‘human error’. Iranian State TV has cited a military statement saying that their country ‘unknowingly’ shot down a Ukrainian jetliner, killing all 176 people on board.

The statement on Saturday morning blamed “human lapses” for the shootings. The jetliner Boeing 737 operated by Ukrainian International Airlines fell on the outskirts of Tehran just hours after Iran launched a barrage of missiles at US forces. Although initially it was speculated that the aircraft crashed in the Iranian attack itself, but Iran denied it clearly.

The US and Canada had then quoted intelligence saying that they believed Iran had killed the plane. According to officials, the plane was going to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine and it had 16 Iranians and at least 63 Canadians and 167 passengers from several countries including 11 Ukrainians and 9 crew members.

On Friday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadim Pistoroiko said that US authorities gave Kiev “important data” about the crash of a Ukrainian airliner in Iran on Friday. On Wednesday, Iran fired missiles at US forces in Iraq in response to the killing of a top Iranian general, Suleimani, in a US drone attack in Baghdad, soon after which the Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 fell and killed all 176 people on board. Has gone.

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