New Delhi, March 20: Seven years ago, the four criminals who terrorized the entire country were finally met their fate. Nirbhaya’s gang rape and murder convicts Akshay, Pawan, Mukesh and Vinay were hanged at 5.30 am on Friday, despite using various legal tactics to avoid hanging that lasted till the last moments of execution.
Nirbhaya’s parents also did not give up in these seven years. The legal battles from the Lower Court to the Supreme Court were fought with full vigor.
Finally, on March 20, when four convicts of Nirbhaya rape and murder have been executed, the struggle to get justice to their daughter has ended.
Nirbhaya’s convicts were woken up in their cell about two hours before their hanging.
However, the culprits were seen on CCTV, as soon as the time of their execution was drawing near, restless and they did not sleep entire night.
After daily activities, they were said to bathe and after this, they were served light breakfast with tea by jail administration, then the process of taking all of them out of the cell towards the execution cell was started.
Tihar jail officials took stock of the hanging cell. After this, preparations were started to cover all accused faces by clothes before hanging and finally four convicts of Nirbhaya rape and murder were hanged till death together.
As soon as the execution was completed at 5.30 pm, the crowd outside Tihar Jail clapped, chanted slogans of Vande Mataram and distributed sweets with each other.