CM Yogi takes major decision for home isolation patients of Covid-19

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Lucknow, 04 May: The Yogi government has taken a major initiative for home isolation patients of Covid-19. Family members of corona patients will no longer have to wander to and fro for oxygen. At the same time, families will also get relief from the black marketing of O2.

On Tuesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath asked the Additional Chief Secretary, Home to direct Team-09 to nominate one oxygen refiller each in all districts to supply home isolation patients. From here, oxygen will be made available to the people under home isolation as per their need.

Yogi said that this arrangement will help a patient’s family if they are trying for cylinder refilling. At the same time, strict instructions were given to the officers that in this entire process, police harassment complaint should not come.

Yogi has directed the DMs and CMOs to provide medical kits in time to the people undergoing home isolation. He said that all necessary efforts are being made to improve the supply of oxygen in the state.

The Chief Minister’s Office has been asked to provide daily details of demand, supply and consumption of every district.

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