Yogi government number 1 in the country on Covid norms set by PM Modi

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RBI report: UP ranks first in helping migrant labourers and workers.

Yogi government’s working style best in Reserve Bank of India report.

States tested by RBI on nine criteria, UP tops eight.

UP is the only state in the country to make eight categories out of nine.

Lucknow, November 06: The Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has stood firm on the norms set by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In the corona period, the UP has done better than other states. UP was number one in arranging for hospitals, medical equipment, masks and ventilators.

The Yogi government of migrant has set a record of most help to migrant workers and daily wages labourers.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has stamped UP’s most powerful performance in the country during the Corona disaster. The RBI has revealed the performance of the states in its state finance report.

 The Uttar Pradesh government has secured the first position in eight of the nine criteria set by the central government and RBI for better performance during the corona.

The UP is the only state in the country to make it to eight of the nine categories in the report.

According to the RBI report, the UP government has fought a tremendous battle on every front due to the corona epidemic, whether to arrange a hospital for Corona patients or to arrange for new medical equipment, masks and ventilators, the UP government acted in the fastest and most effective way, that too when, in terms of per capita expenditure on health, UP is second from the bottom.

In UP, per capita medical expenditure is Rs 1065, while Delhi with per capita medical expenses of Rs 3808 is at the top.

The Uttar Pradesh was followed by Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in the first place in the list of states that made the highest expenditure in health infrastructure.

The UP is followed by West Bengal and Tamil Nadu in terms of free treatment of Corona patients. In the case of Corona Care Fund to set up a testing lab, Orissa was followed by UP.

Similarly, in the case of Emergency Life Support Ambulance facility, UP, Tripura and Tamil Nadu are named. The UP, followed by Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Chennai on the standard of N-95 mask delivery to doctors and para medical staff. There are 18 other states after UP in terms of helping those caught by Corona.

After UP, 15 states of the country have got the test of free ration distribution. UP has 12 other states after UP in terms of helping migrant workers and daily laborers.

In the same manner, in the category of providing insurance coverage of medical staff, insurance scheme for treatment of government employees and pensioners only the Bengal and Tamil Nadu have got a place.

 Alcohol, petrol gave support in difficult times

According to the latest report of the RBI, due to corona, the revenue of the states decreased drastically. In difficult times, the economic condition of the states was most supported by alcohol and petrol. State GST, stamp duty and center tax were the main sources of revenue for the states, falling by 70%. At such times, petrol, diesel and liquor supported the bad economy. States average 25 to 35 per cent of their income from alcohol and petrol. 19 states averaged 20 per cent of liquor and 16 states increased the price of petrol by 1 to 5 rupees.

States were tightened to these criteria

1. States spending the most in health infrastructure (UP, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh).

2. Free treatment of corona patients (UP, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu).

3. Corona Care Fund (UP and Orissa) to create Testing Lab.

4. Emergency Life Support Ambulance (UP, Tripura, Tamil Nadu).

5. Distribution of N-95 masks to doctors and para medical staff (UP, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Chennai).

6. Social assistance to the coroners (18 states including UP).

7. Free ration distribution (15 states including UP).

8. Assistance to migrant workers and daily laborers (12 states including UP).

9. Insurance coverage for medical staff, insurance scheme for treatment of government employees and pensioners (UP not included in this category, only West Bengal and Tamil Nadu got place)

Top 5 states with the most corona patients

Delhi – 14949

Andhra Pradesh – 12865

Maharashtra – 11242

Karnataka – 8907

Tamil Nadu-7677

(Per 1 million patients)

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