With the surge in Covid-19 cases, hotspots across state climb to 7000

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Lucknow, July 26: In view of the ever increasing cases of coronavirus infection, now the number of hotspots across the state has also reached close to seven thousand.

State’s Additional Chief Secretary Home Awanish Kumar Awasthi said on Sunday that 10,92,411 houses have been identified in 6,092 hotspot areas under 999 police stations.

“With this, 3, 10,983 people have been registered under Section 188 of the CrPC by registering First Information Reports (FIR) against 1, 44,418. So far, 8021 barriers have been established in the state and in the intensive checking of 1.04 crore vehicles, 28.05 lakh vehicles have been challaned and a fine of Rs 51.97 crore has been collected,” Awasthi informed.

He said that to stop black marketing and hoarding, action has been taken against 1019 persons by filing 764 FIRs under the Essential Commodity (EC) Act. At the same time, a total of 326 cases under Fake News, in which 151 accounts of Twitter and 114 of Facebook and 01 of WhatsApp have been blocked.

ACS Home further added with this, 7, 95,911 units of micro, small, medium and large categories are operational in the state in which 49,73,000 workers are employed. At the same time, due to the relaxation of all the arrangements in unlock, the number of community kitchens has reduced now. According to the revenue department, there are now only 28 community kitchens in the state.

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