SP National Executive Meeting: BJP imposing its ideology on the people by tricks and force: Samajwadi Party

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Lucknow, March 14: In the meeting of the National Executive of the Samajwadi Party (SP) on Saturday, the BJP government at the Centre and the state were fiercely targeted on various issues.

While attacking the Yogi Adityanath government over the worsening  law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh, the SP also accused BJP government for harassing senior SP leader Azam Khan through fake cases in Johar University matter.

The meeting also churned out the strategy for the Assembly elections to be held in Uttar Pradesh in 2022.

With this, SP leaders also slammed the Modi government over agriculture policy, unemployment and foreign policy. The party also accused the government of harassing intellectuals who questioned it.

As soon as the meeting started, Akhilesh Yadav launched the Samajwadi Bulletin in a new format. Under this, now the socialist bulletin has also become available on digital platform. In the meeting, Ramagopal Yadav, Kiranmay Nanda, Jaya Bachchan and all other senior leaders and officials were present.

Common Indian’s self-confidence is broken

During the meeting, it was said on behalf of the party that today the common man’s self-confidence has been broken, common man is disappointed, sad and somewhere in anger. The villages are getting deserted. Farming and farmers are neglected. Unemployment is on the rise.

Government’s goal is to stay in power only, not to work

The party accused that the BJP government and it’s allied for creating a new definition of corruption and are shamelessly engaged in destroying the secular structure of the constitution. The goal of the current government of the country is to remain in power and achieve power in one way or the other way. It is a normal thing to impose your ideology on the people with deceit and force and to ignore all the welfare works to be done for the public.

Foreign policy shifted from the original target, number of enemy countries increased

The party said that our foreign policy has deviated from its original goal. Russia was our most reliable friend country, but due to our wrong policies, its inclination is also towards Pakistan. We can say without any hesitation that the number of our friendly countries has decreased and the number of enemy countries has increased whereas the successful foreign policy is one in which the number of friendly countries increases and the number of enemy countries decreases.

Poor law and order made a joke of UP during the BJP rule

Targeting the Yogi Adityanath government of the state, it was said that law and order has become a joke in the BJP Raj in Uttar Pradesh. Women and girls are all insecure. Incidents of murder, robbery, rape have not stopped. Criminals are fearless. Fake encounters are constantly being done to hide their failure in controlling crime. Uttar Pradesh is becoming a murder state. Hundreds of farmers have committed suicide under the burden of hunger and debt. Ever since the BJP government came to power in the state, the political system of the BJP has been of rage.

It is condemnable to torture Azam Khan in fake cases

The Yogi government was also targeted in the National Executive meeting regarding Azam Khan’s case. It is said that senior SP leader Mohammad Azam Khan has served as MLA and cabinet minister nine times and is currently a Lok Sabha MP. The way he is being insulted by the BJP government and being tortured in jail by being implicated in fake cases is utterly condemnable.

Farmers are devastated, forced to commit suicide in BJP rule

Due to the lack of growth in the agricultural sector, farmers are ruining, committing suicide. Imports of agricultural products from outside are increasing continuously, which is directly impacting the farmers of India. India has reduced spending on agricultural research. Hence the availability of new or good quality seeds is falling. Foreign companies are therefore selling hybrid seeds at high prices. The farmers are not getting MSP.

Intellectuals who question the government are on target

It was said in the meeting that the government is specifically targeting those intellectuals who question the government and the government feels uncomfortable with their questions. The government system which is being corrupted gave the status of ‘urban Naxalites’ to some university teachers and other important officials and artists and put them in jail.

Youths are felt cheated

It was said in the meeting that this government, with the help of religious frenzy, deceit, tricks and lies, has betrayed the youth a lot. Instead of making them a better human resource, they have done the work of dividing and fighting among themselves and sinking into the pit of despair. The government itself is also engaged in sinking the economy.

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