SIT interrogates Delhi riot mastermind Tahir Hussain for five hours

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New Delhi, March 05: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Delhi Crime Branch, which arrested Tahir Hussain who was trying to surrender before the Rouse Avenue Court, has asked 20 questions regarding Delhi riots in which his house was used for arson, for nearly five hours.

In its interrogation, he was questioned, where he was at the time of the incident? Who are those people seen with him in the video? Are the rioters in the building aware of him? Did he come there at his behest and instigation? Where did he stay after escaping? Who helped him hide from the police? Many of such questions were posed in front of Tahir.

According to SIT sources, the large scale riots in Chandbagh, it seems that there was a big conspiracy behind it and it was being planned for a long time. However, to investigate this, the team of Crime Branch is constantly questioning Tahir Hussain.

Apart from killing IB officer Ankit Sharma, many other cases have been registered on Tahir. Police are currently questioning Tahir.

On the question of his absconding, Tahir said that he did not run anywhere but was in Delhi and was preparing to come with his counsel.

According to police sources, Tahir was hiding somewhere in Old Delhi. At present, the police are questioning him at the Crime Branch office in Sunlight Colony.

SIT is searching councilor’s half- brother

After the arrest of Councilor Tahir Hussain, who was later suspended from AAP in connection with Delhi riot, the SIT is now eyeing his stepbrother.

According to Crime Branch sources, Tahir Hussain’s half-brother is also absconding since the riots. His whereabouts are yet to be found out.

Police sources even claim that during the investigation, it has come to light that when rioters were pelting stones, petrol bomb and firing from the roof of councilor Tahir Hussain’s house, his brother was also present there.

People on the other side making videos of the riots had recognized him. Tahir’s brother role is also appearing in the Chandbagh riots. There was considerable sabotage and stone pelting on the police and locals during the riots in Chandbagh too. SIT teams are currently searching for his brother, police claimed.

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