Self-Reliant India: Every Indian must become vocal for our local,” Prime Minister Modi says in his address to the nation

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New Delhi, May 12: With the announcement of financial package of Rs 20 lakh crore for Self-reliant India Campaign (SIC) to combat the economic crisis arising out due to outbreak of global pandemic novel coronavirus disease, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Tuesday that the fourth phase of the countrywide lockdown in the country will be redesigned and will be implemented from May 18.

Prime Minister Modi said in his fifth address to the nation at eight o’clock that in view of the unprecedented crisis of Corona pandemic, the total amount of the central government, the Reserve Bank of India and the economic package announced today will be Rs 20 lakh crore. This amount is 10 percent of the country’s GDP.

Modi added that the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will give details of the expansion of this economic package of ‘Self-reliant India campaign’ in the next few days.

The Prime Minister said that the interests of all sections of the country including the workers, farmers, middle class, businessmen and entrepreneurial class have been taken care of in this economic package.

Referring to the difficulties faced by migrant labourers, hawkers and small shopkeepers in the current era of crisis, the Prime Minister said that their sacrifice and penance is commendable.

Prime Minister Modi announced the extension of the nationwide lockdown after May 17 and said that its fourth phase will be different from past three. Our goal is to avoid corona and move forward.

He said that suggestions about lockdown-four have been sought from the Chief Ministers from the states. It will be fully disclosed before May 18.

Advocating the use of indigenous goods along with self-reliance, the Prime Minister said that local goods have helped us through the Corona crisis. We (Indians) have to be vocal towards local (vocal towards local).

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