Sedition case registered after Greta’s tweet, cyber cell to investigate case

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New Delhi, 04 February: A cyber cell of the Delhi Police has registered a case of sedition over the tweet by environmental activist Greta Thunberg, who lives in Denmark.

However, Greta has not been named in this case. The Delhi Police claims that the documents that were tweeted by Greta revealed the entire conspiracy about the violence between January 23 and 26. This First Information Report (FIR) has been registered regarding this document. The entire case will be investigated by cyber cell.

According to the police, the Delhi Police is monitoring the social media platforms regarding the farmers’ movement on all three borders of Delhi. During the investigation, around 300 social media handles have been found, which are being used to spread hateful and malicious posts.

Special Commissioner Praveer Ranjan told the press conference at the Police Headquarters at Jaisingh Road on Thursday evening that the Delhi Police was already monitoring social media regarding the January 26 violence. During this, he saw some documents that were tweeted through a twitter handle. It was told in these documents how to provoke people about the farmers movement while working against the Government of India and the manner in which violence is to be committed and how to mobilize people on 26 January. All this information has revealed that what happened on January 26 was part of a larger conspiracy. This document was later removed.

Special Commissioner Praveer Ranjan said that a sedition case has been registered with the Delhi Police regarding this document. Sections 124A (sedition), 153A and 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC have been imposed in the FIR lodged by the Delhi Police. It clearly states that while on one hand this violence was carried out using this movement under the entire conspiracy, on the other hand, it also tried to incite people to the violence.

Praveer Ranjan further said that this whole conspiracy was hatched against the government. The entire case is being investigated by a cyber cell.

Gretaโ€™s name not mentioned in the FRI

Special commissioner Praveer Ranjan did not mention the name the Twitter handle during the press conference. Along with this, he also informed that an FIR has been registered regarding the documents from the Twitter handle. No FIR has been filed against the tweeter. This makes it clear that no FIR has been filed against Greta Thunberg. Only those FIRs have been filed on documents that were tweeted by Greta.

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