SARS-CoV-2 infection among elderly people on the rise in UP

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Lucknow, 23 September: Uttar Pradesh has again set a new record in the matter of daily investigations in the wake of the increasing infection of corona in the state.

The state recorded the highest ever test of 1, 65,565 corona samples on Tuesday.

3.02 lakh patients have been declared healthy so far, recovery rate increased to 81.88 percent

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health Amit Mohan Prasad said on Wednesday that with this the number of active corona patients in the state has now increased to 61,698.

In the last twenty-four hours, 5,234 new cases of virus infection were reported, while 6,506 people were declared healthy and discharged during this period taking the total cured cases of the infection to 3, 02,689.

The total number of deaths due to infection in the state has reached to 5,299 including 87 more people in the last twenty four hours.

At the same time, the rate of recovery of patients in the state has increased to 81.88 percent at present.

A total of 89.92 lakh corona samples have been tested so far

ACS Health said that there is a continuous rise in the testing of corona samples in various laboratories of the state, due to this, a total of 89,92,424 corona samples have been tested so far.

16,600 samples tested through 2,916 pools

He said 16,600 samples were tested through 2,916 pools on Tuesday. Of these, five samples per pool were tested through 2,512 pools, of which 331 pools reported positive. At the same time, ten samples per pool were tested through 404 pools, of which 25 reported positive.

31,791 patients undergoing home isolation treatment

He said that out of the total active cases in the state, 31,791 people are availing the facility of home isolation ie treatment at home. At the same time, 3,517 people are getting their treatment in private hospitals and 196 people in the L-1 plus Semi paid facility. Apart from these, the rest are admitted in government hospitals under the arrangement of L-1, L-2 and L-3 of the state government.

Health teams reached 12.26 million people

Health department teams are constantly reaching out and surveying people in various fields. So far, 3, 75,885 teams have surveyed 2, 46, 96,323 crore households in 1, 17,556 areas. Under this, medical screening of more than 12, 26, 70,811 crore people has been done.

7,180 children born in government hospitals in one day

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health said that along with Covid care, full attention is also being paid to non-Covid care in the state. Delivery facilities are being provided in government hospitals as before. On September 21, 7,180 infants were born in government hospitals in the state. These included 6,975 normal deliveries and 205 caesarean deliveries.

7.76 lakh symptomatic people identified from Covid Help Desk

A total of 64,507 ‘Covid Help Desk’ has been established in the state. 7, 76,327 symptomatic people were identified through them. Oximeters and thermometers are available on these desks. Adequate availability of sanitizer has been made in all these units.

92,928 people have taken advantage of e-Sanjeevani so far

Along with this, people of the state are constantly using the e-Sanjeevani portal, from where, they can consult the doctors sitting at home. 2,380 people availed the facility on Tuesday. So far, a total of 92,928 people have availed medical benefits through this portal.

Increase in infection among the elderly

Additional Chief Secretary, Medical and Health said that in the total cases of infection, 13.85 percent of the 0-20 age group, 48.16 percent of the 21-40 age group and 28.88 percent of the 41-60 age group and 9.11 percent of the above 60 years people have been infected.

“People in the age group above 60 years had a lower percentage of earlier infections, but, now it was observed that the rate of infection has increased among them. Therefore, they need to be taken care of,” added Prasad.

At the same time, 68.46 percent of male and 31.53 percent of women out of the total cases of infection were found corona positive.

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