India successfully test-fires ‘laser guided’ anti tank missile

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New Delhi, 23 September: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has successfully test-fired a laser guided anti-tank missile from the MBT Arjun tank in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.

During this test, the anti-tank missile successfully destroyed the target at a distance of three kilometres. It is precisely aimed at its target guided with the help of anti-tank guided missile laser.

According to DRDO it has been developed with multiple-platform launch capability and is currently being technically evaluated by firing from a gun mounted in MBT Arjun.

The missile has been successfully tested at the Armored Corps Center and School in Ahmednagar.

The tests conducted revealed that missiles fired from the MBT Arjun tank successfully destroyed the target for three kilometres.

Regarding the various features of the missile, the DRDO stated that the explosive rear armour of the anti-tank guided missile employs a hot warhead to defeat protected armoured vehicles.

The missile has been developed with multi-platform launch capability and is currently undergoing technical evaluation test from MBT Arjun’s gun.

According to DRDO, this anti-tank guided missile has been developed by Pune’s High Energy Materials Research Laboratory in collaboration with Dehradun’s Instruments Research and Development Establishment and Armament Research and Development Establishment Pune.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated DRDO for successfully testing the laser guided anti tank guided missile from MBT Arjun.

He tweeted congratulating DRDO “Congratulations to DRDO for successful test firing of Laser Guided Anti Tank Guided Missile from MBT Arjun at KK Range (ACC & S) in Ahmednagar. India is proud of DRDO, which imports in near future are working towards reducing dependency. “DRDO President Dr G. Satish Reddy also congratulated the employees on the successful test.

Successful test of combat drone ‘Abhayas’

Earlier on Tuesday, DRDO successfully conducted combat drone ‘Abhayas’ in Balasore, Odisha. It is a high-speed expandable aerial target, developed in ADE.

According to the DRDO, this gives weapons systems a realistic threat to test, with the help of which various missiles or airborne weapons can be tested. The practice combat drones are designed for autonomous flight with the help of autopilot. During this time, two demonstration vehicles were also successfully tested.

According to DRDO, these vehicles can be used as targets for evaluation of various missile systems.

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