Not paid salary since December, say teachers of 12 DU colleges during PC

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New Delhi, 07 March: Several senior teachers of 12 colleges of Delhi University, 100 percent funded by the Delhi government, gathered on Sunday and demanded the release of the salaries that had been held since December.

These colleges receive grants from Delhi government but these colleges have not received any grant after December 2020. Because of this, teachers and non-teaching staff have not received their salaries.

Some senior teachers of these 12 colleges under Delhi government, including Dr Subodh Kumar, Dr Sujit Kumar, Dr Rajesh Upadhyay and Dr Navin Kumar spoke in a news conference via virtual medium that they demand immediate release of funds in 12 colleges funded by the Delhi Government and also want to ensure regular release of salary.

The teachers and employees of these colleges are living in a state of uncertainty due to irregular salaries and non-payment of bills like medical bills, teachers said.

The teacher leaders said that this case of withholding salary in 12 colleges of 100 percent funded by Delhi government is in violation of statutory and ethical norms. Such irregularity has a very heavy and adverse effect on the educational ecology of these respected institutions.

“Salaries of thousands of faculty members and staff have been banned, due to which medical bills, scholarships, telephone and electricity bills have not been deposited and the problem is increasing continuously. The avoidance of government funding by linking it to one or another matter (eg governing body formation, student fees, probity, etc.) is adversely affecting the functioning of these colleges,” added senior teachers of 12 Delhi colleges.  

It is well known that this university has been working to promote scientific temperament; it is not the place of ‘Ghost’. Linking student’s fees to government financial grants in any way is promoting privatization and is against the idea of ​​social justice based higher education in India.

The teachers said that they are also strongly opposed to the Delhi University’s College of Arts being subjugated by the Delhi government and we will strongly oppose any attempt to end this university which is more than a century old.

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