Lockdown 4.O Day 8: Yogi’s ambitious plan to form a Migration Commission on the anvil

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Lucknow, 25 May: After the safe return of lakhs of migrant workers in the state, the Yogi government has started preparing the road map for the formation of Migration Commission on a war footing.

So far, skill mapping of 14.75 lakh workers has been finished. At the same time, skill mapping of other workers is also in the progress.

The work is progressing rapidly on the constitution of the Commission and the plan to provide employment to the workers in the state itself.

According to senior government officials, the largest number of 1, 51,492 in skill mapping are that of real estate developers, workers.

There are 26,989 technicians of furniture and fitting, 26041 building decorators, 12633 home caretakers and 10,000 drivers, also 4680 IT and Electronics technicians.

Apart from this, there are 5884 home appliance technicians, 1558 automobile technicians, 596 people associated with paramedical and pharmaceutical, 12103 dress makers, 1274 beauticians, 1294 handicrafts and carpets makers, 3364 personal security personnel and others.

Chief Minister Yogi discussed the formation of the commission in a meeting with senior officers

On Monday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath discussed the formation of the Migration Commission and the plan to provide employment to workers in the state itself, in a review meeting with the officials of Team-11 at his government residence on Monday.

Social security guaranteed with employment

After the return of 25 lakh migrant workers in the state so far, the Yogi government is preparing to guarantee them social security along with employment in the state itself.

Under this, employment will now be provided through the Migration Commission. The government has said that in every corner of the country and the world, it will stand with its workers at every opportunity. Skill mapping and other details of every worker are being gathered.

Every worker will also get insurance protection, training allowance

The Chief Minister said that insurance will be provided to every worker. In the state, the government will also make a residential arrangement when a worker and labourer of one district gets employment in another district.

At the same time, no state government will be able to use the workers of Uttar Pradesh without permission, on the guarantee of social security only the Yogi government will provide manpower to other states as per the requirement.

The state government will also train the workers after skill mapping. Training allowance will also be given to workers during training.

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