Lockdown 3.O Day 4: Be kind, compassionate and respectful to migrant workers, Yogi instructs his officials

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Lucknow, May 07: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath engaged in bringing back the workers and labourers of Uttar Pradesh trapped in various parts of the country amid lockdown has now asked the state governments to provide a district-wise list of migrant workers here.

He said that till now more than seven lakh migrant workers have returned to the state.

The Chief Minister said in a meeting with senior officers on Thursday that the state government wants to bring all the workers and labourers of its state. For this, the respective state governments should provide district-wise list of migrant workers. We are making immediate arrangements to bring migrant workers back on providing list by the state governments.

So far, 60,000 workers have returned from 37 trains and buses

The Chief Minister said that so far 37 trains ferrying migrant workers and labourers have arrived from other states. This has brought more than thirty thousand migrant workers. Apart from this, more than thirty thousand labourers have been brought by buses from Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh last week.

The process of arriving of daily wagers started from March

Yogi said that even in the last week of March, four and a half lakh migrant workers were brought to UP. Earlier, between March 1 and March 15, two lakh migrant workers had come in a month.

Workers will arrive today by 20 trains

The Chief Minister said that 20 trains carrying daily wage workers and labourers are coming on Thursday. On Friday also 25 to 30 trains will come to the state carrying migrant workers.

He said that more than 10,000 buses of the Transport Corporation have been deployed to ferry the migrant workers to their safe houses.

The Chief Minister said that we are making all possible efforts to keep, every worker and labourer arriving to state, to the Quarantine Centre for obervation and to send them safely to their houses. Besides, every worker is being given food grains and maintenance allowance of one thousand rupees.

CM said that data is being prepared by checking skills of workers and labourers arriving to Uttar Pradesh as soon as their domestic quarantine is completed, they can be provided jobs on the basis of their skills within UP.

Capacity of more than twelve lakh Quarantine centres

The Chief Minister informed that the capacity of Quarantine Centers in the state has now exceeded twelve lakh. Medical teams of more than fifty thousand people have been set up for everyone’s checkups.

Yogi has instructed all the district administration to provide timely food grains, maintenance allowance and employment to all the migrant labourers and workers with compassionate and respectful manner.

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