Lockdown 3.O 14: Testing of record 6,545 corona samples in one day in UP

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So far, 1805 corona infected patients in the state, 2,444 cured with better treatment.

Lucknow, 17 May: The number of testing is escalating continuously in view of coronavirus infection in the state. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed more and more sample testing every day, so that the real situation can be estimated and treatment can be started timely.

Due to this, now this figure has reached near 6500, which is a record till now.

Target of first 8,000 and then 10,000 samples tested daily

Principal Secretary, Health and Family Welfare Amit Mohan Prasad said on Sunday that soon we will increase the testing of corona samples to 8,000 and then 10,000 daily.

Continuous increase in the number of recovered patients

Along with this, the number of people who get cured after treatment, among new cases of corona in the state, continues to be higher than the infected patients. It is showing healthy signs in the battle against Corona.

Principal Secretary, Health said that at present, the total number of corona infected patients in the state is 1,805. At the same time, 2,444 patients have been cured and sent back to their respective homes due to better treatment.

He said that the number of people recovering continuously for some time has remained higher than the infected patients. Earlier on Saturday, 1718 corona-infected patients and the number of people recovering were 2327. On Friday, there were 1773 infected patients and 2080 people were recovered.

So far 4,353 cases of corona have been reported in the state

Principal Secretary, Health said that a total of 4,353 cases of coronavirus have been reported so far in the state.

At the same time, 104 patients have died due to Covid-19. On Saturday, 6,545 corona samples were examined in various laboratories. At the same time 345 pools were installed for testing. Of these, 45 pools reported positive.

More than 11,000 people call on Arogya Setu App

He said that with this, a large number of people are downloading the ‘Arogya Setu’ app in the state. All the alerts that are being received through the app are being sent to the respective districts.

At the same time, people who have come in contact with the infected people through the control room are calling and giving information about it. More than 11,000 people have been called so far. They have been advised appropriately.

Health team reaches 3.19 crore people

He informed that the health department teams are constantly reaching out and surveying people in different areas. 78,576 teams reached for connectivity between 64, 36,236 houses. During this time, 3, 19, 38,412 people have been contacted. Those receiving symptoms were screened.

He told that at this time 1881 people are in isolation ward. At the same time 10,201 people are in the facility quarantine.

More than 3, 72,000 migrant workers surveyed

Principal Secretary, Health informed that migrant workers are reaching the state in large numbers every day. Many of these are also coming from places with extreme cases of corona infection. Those who are symptomatic after thermal screening are sent to a 21-day home quarantine.

“To ensure this, a Village Monitoring Committee and Mohalla Monitoring Committee have been formed so that such people can be ensured strict adherence to domestic confinement. Monitoring committees have a big role in this task. Asha has mobilized more than 3, 72,000 migrant workers so far. Of these, 414 have been found with some or the other symptoms. There are complaints ranging from cold, cough, and cold to difficulty in breathing. All these samples are being tested,” Prasad apprised.

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