Deployment of US forces in Aisa, including India to intervene belligerence of Chinese forces, says US Secretary of State

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US forces to deploy in Asia including India: Pompeo

Los Angeles, June 26: US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo has said that US forces will be deployed to support Asian countries, including India.

He has said that as China’s dogma is increasing in Asia, it has become necessary to deploy US forces to give a befitting reply to Chinese intervention.

America is taking this step while China has deployed its forces in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh. The US Secretary of State said that China is provoking Indian forces. China is a villain.

The belligerence of Chinese forces in the international waterway around the South China Sea is increasing, on the other hand, the gathering of Chinese forces on the Indo-China borders is also posing a danger. China has built military bases at various sites in the South China Sea, while its submarines pose obstacles to the movement of deep-sea freight vessels.

Pompeo said that in this context he is in talks with US Defense Minister Mark Esper.

He said that the US forces would be sent to Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines including India.

He said that in the wake of Russia’s encroachment, there are 52 thousand American soldiers stationed in Europe, especially in Germany whereas half of these, ie 25 thousand American forces will be deployed in Asia.

President Donald Trump agrees to this.

He said that in this context, talks will be held with the concerned countries before the US forces are sent.

However, this decision of America is being opposed in Europe including Germany.

Germany is a NATO member country, but for some time Germany has not been able to give NATO a two percent share of its GDP. American President is being angry on this.

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