Covid vaccines reduce chances of infection, deaths and hospitalisation: Research

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Rome, 16 May: The risk of death along with infection can be reduced to a great extent by taking covid vaccines, claimed in a recent research in Italy.

This is the first study of its kind conducted by an EU country. Research claimed those five weeks after the first doses of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, corona infection among adults of all ages declined by up to 80 percent.

So far, 1.37 crore people have been vaccinated by the National Institutes of Health (ISS) of Italy and the Ministry of Health. However, immunization data from December 27, 2020 to May 3, 2021 have been studied.

The study showed that the first two weeks after the initial vaccination saw a decline in the number of SARS-CoV-2, responsible virus for Covid-19, infections, hospitalizations, and deaths.

According to the ISS, 35 days after taking the first dose, there has been a decline of 80 per cent in infection, 90 per cent in hospitalization and 95 per cent in death.

The NIH stated that this effect was seen in people of all age groups and women and men alike. The president of ISS, Silvio Brusferro, said that these data prove the usefulness of the vaccination campaign. It also shows how important it is to vaccinate as many people as possible to eliminate emergencies.

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