COVID-19: Just one step out of your house can bring a serious pandemic like corona virus into your home, says PM Modi while addressing the nation

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New Delhi, March 24: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to the nation at 8 pm on Tuesday for the 6th time has confirmed that country will be under ‘lockdown’ for 21 days to protect the citizens from rapidly spreading of novel corona virus disease (COVID-19).

He said that to save India, it has become necessary to lockdown the entire country from 12 o’clock tonight. It also said that if 21 days are not maintained, the country will go back 21 years. This lockdown will be like a curfew, so people do not get out of their homes and help the government to save the country.

At the beginning of his address, the Prime Minister said, “I have come to ask you for a few weeks. The coming day is very important for every citizen and family. The time of 21 days is very important for breaking the corona virus infection cycle. If it does not take 21 days, then the country and your family will go back 21 years. ”He also said that he is saying not as a Prime Minister but as a member of your family. So do not get out of the houses and stay in your house for 21 days.

During this time the Prime Minister also said that for the last 2 days, lockdown has been done in many parts of the country. State governments should also take these efforts very seriously. Therefore, keeping in mind the experiences of health centre experts and other countries, the government has taken this important decision in the interest of the country.

The Prime Minister also said that the nationwide lockdown has drawn a ‘Lakshman Rekha’ at the door of your house. Now it is to be remembered that just one step out of your house can bring a serious pandemic like corona into your home.

Giving information about the symptoms of corona, he said that many times a person infected with corona seems healthy at the beginning, it is not known. Therefore it is very important to take precaution and the solution is to stay only in your homes.

The Prime Minister, while referring to the ways in which the COVID-19 is being run on social media, said that those who are at home are telling this in a very innovative way on social media in new ways.

To explain the meaning of corona pandemic, he took a plank in the hand and told that CO means koi, RO means on road and NA means no one should go on the road.

He said that this is the reason that every state, every union territory, every village, street and locality in the country is now being locked down. It is curfew in a way.

Addressing the country on Tuesday evening, the Prime Minister also spoke about social distancing and said that it is for every citizen, every family as well as every member of the family. For this some people may have to suffer a great loss due to carelessness and wrong thinking. If such negligence continues, the country may have to pay a huge price.

PM also said that it would be difficult to guess how much this price will be. He also advised that people should not take any medicine from their own mind, but should take medicine at the time of this crisis only on the advice of doctors.

The Prime Minister said about the corona virus infection that if a person has corona virus infection, then it takes several days for the body to show its symptoms. During this time, person know – inadvertently infects every person who comes in contact with him.

Mentioning The World Health Organization (WHO) report, Modi stated that the infected person reaches hundreds of people a week. It spreads so fast.

He said that there are a lot of people infected with the corona virus in the world. First it took 67 days to reach one lakh population after that, in just 11 days, one lakh new people got infected means 2 lakh. It is even more frightening that it took only 4 days to reach 2 lakh infected people to 3 lakh people. It is very difficult to stop corona virus when it starts spreading.

The Prime Minister said about the countries infected with the corona virus that in many countries like China, America, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, when the corona virus started advancing, the situation became uncontrollable.

“It is important to know about them whether it is Italy or America, healthcare of these countries, their hospitals and their modern resources are the best in the entire world. Despite this, these countries could not reduce the influence of COVID-19. Given these conditions, the citizens of these countries did not come out of their homes and followed 100 percent government instructions. This is the reason why some countries are now moving out of this epidemic,” PM pointed out.

He said that everyone should believe that there is only one path before us. “Ekpanth:” We don’t have to come out of the house. Corona can be avoided only when the ‘Lakshman Rekha’ of the house is not crossed. To prevent infection of this pandemic virus, it has to stop the chain of spread. In such a situation, remember this resolve that if there is life, there is a world. It is very important to exercise restraint.

During this time, the Prime Minister thanked the people who are working to deal with the corona virus. Also, the Prime Minister said that the lockdown of 21 days is a long time, but equally important to protect life, this is the only way we have.

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