6.4 magnitude earthquake in Delhi-NCR, parts of North India

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New Delhi, 20 December: A massive Earthquake tremors were felt at many places including the national capital Delhi. According to the US Seismological Center, the earthquake intensity was 6.4. on the Richer scale.

According to the information, there has been no loss of any kind. However, after the earthquake tremors, people came out of the houses in fear and fear.

The epicenter of the earthquake was 245 kilometers from Kabul. The earthquake has been felt around five and fifteen minutes according to the time of India. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Hindukush, Afghanistan and the depth of the quake was 190 km as per the Indian Meteorological Department.

Earthquake tremors have been felt in Punjab, Haryana, Kashmir. The tremors of this earthquake have also been felt in Islamabad, Pakistan and elsewhere. The earth trembled for about 10 seconds with this shock.

It is worth mentioning that earlier on November 19, earthquake tremors were felt in many areas including Delhi. At that time the intensity of the earthquake was around five.

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