1st RERA Conclave to be held from 1st November in UP

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RERA Conclave to be held in UP

Lucknow, Sept 26 : Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Rajendra Kumar Tiwari has directed the concerned officials to ensure all necessary preparations for the 1st RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) Conclave going to be held on 1st and 2nd of November.

He said, “The chairmans, the members and other senior officers of RERA from other state will also participate in the programme so to make the programme a grand success, department wise arrangements should be ensured.”

Chief Secretary was presiding over the preparatory meeting for arrangements of 1st RERA Conclave here in his office meeting hall in Lok Bhawan. He said that necessary precautions should be taken to ensure better traffic management and security arrangements for specials guest, VVIPs and common people arriving during the conclave.

In this row, he has directed the Urban Development Department to ensure cleanliness, maintenance and decoration of main roads leading to important places like Airport, Railway Stations, Secretariat and Historical Monuments along with ensuring to install adequate number of street lights on the roads.

Rajendra Kumar Tiwari has also added that the tourism department should ensure to arrange Lucknow visit for the guest arriving during the program and a nodal officer for the same should also be nominated to assist them.

He further directed the LDA to allocate the Jupiter auditorium of Indira Gandhi Pratisthan or other convenient place suited as per the theme of the conclave. He has directed the Information and Public relation department to broadly publicize the event happening for the first time in the state.

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