Uttar Pradesh Primary school children to learn personal hygiene habits

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Ambuj Tripathi


Lucknow, 10 February: Primary schools in Uttar Pradesh will now be run on the theme of ‘Mera Vidyalaya-Swachh Vidyalaya’. Under this, school children will be cleaning the school premises for 15 to 20 minutes every day.

In this regard, the Yogi government has issued a Government Order (GO) on Wednesday.

In the GO released by Renuka Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Basic Education Department, it has been said that all the students of council schools must clean the school premises everyday for 15 to 20 minutes. However, children in classes one to five are exempted from this.

The order states that in the National Education Policy-2020, there is a provision to provide awareness to children about cleanliness, water and environmental protection and waste management. It has also been said that the cleanliness of the school is not the responsibility of any individual but the collective responsibility and moral responsibility of teachers, students and parents in this task.

โ€œThe school management has also been instructed in the GO to arrange the necessary materials for cleaning the schools. It has also been said that when, where and how cleaning work should be done in the school premises, a program should be listed for this and the students should be divided into groups to complete this work,โ€ added Renuka Kumar.

Apart from, once a week, through audio, videos or print material, children will be provided with information on etiquette such as washing their hands with soap, saving water and using the toilet hygienically.

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