Terrorists panicked, Jaish-e-Mohammed protests in PoK

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New Delhi , Aug.16 : The Narendra Modi government’s decision on Article 370 is the most restless for Pakistan government and terrorist organization. This uneasiness is now coming in the form of protests.

In Muzaffarabad of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) on Friday, terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed demonstrated and threatened to wage jihad in Kashmir.

Significantly, the Government of India’s decision on Jammu and Kashmir is being continuously opposed in Pakistan. After the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan has once again got support from China. China had demanded a meeting of the UN Security Council in a closed door to discuss Article 370.

In this regard, China had written a letter to the President of the Security Council, Joanna Wronecka. Now after the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, the Security Council is going to meet . The meeting will be held at the Security Council headquarters in New York at 7:30 pm Friday (10 am in New York) at the local time of India. 

Earlier, Pakistan had called for an emergency open door meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the issue of Article 370, which was ignored.

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