Terrorist attack on Karachi Stock Exchange, four terrorists killed

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First business day of the week due to stampede, five people killed and many others injured.

Two terrorists were killed at the main gate and two were killed in the recent exchange of stock exchange.

New Delhi/ Karachi, June 29: Five people were killed and several others were injured in a terrorist attack on Monday at the Pakistan Stock Exchange in Karachi, Pakistan’s financial capital.

However, after receiving the information of the attack, the soldiers of Pakistan Rangers reached the spot and took the front and killed the four terrorists who entered the stock exchange.

According to Pakistani media, around 9 o’clock this morning, four terrorists entered the building of Pakistan Stock Exchange and started firing indiscriminately. Today being the first business day of the week, many people were present on the exchange which caused a stampede.

Pakistani Rangers and Sindh Police personnel who arrived after receiving information about the attack, took out the people trapped in the building. The rear gate was used to drive people out.

When the terrorists were entering the building with grenade attack and indiscriminate shelling at the main gate of the building, the security forces killed two terrorists at the main gate, while two terrorists were killed in the hall of the Stock Exchange.

According to the sources, a large number of weapons have been recovered from the terrorists.

The security personnel have started a search operation with the entire building in their possession. Security forces have also sealed the area around the building. Snipers have also been deployed on nearby buildings. Weapons and ammunition have been recovered from the slain militants.

Officials have said that the condition of many of the injured is critical, which may also increase the number of dead.

Karachi Inspector General of Police (IG) has told the Pakistani media that the situation is under control and all terrorists have been killed. Rangers and police officers have entered the building and are conducting a search operation.

According to the IG, the attackers wore clothes similar to the police officers they wear off-duty. CCTV footage is being scrutinized by the police.

Karachi police have recovered AK-47 rifles, hand grenades, magazines and other explosive material from the attackers.

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