‘Super Cabinet’ decides to start winter session from November 18: Sources

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New Delhi, 16 October: The first winter session of Parliament will run from November 18 to December 24 in the second term of the Modi government. This was agreed upon in the meeting of the Political Affairs Committee, known as Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs(CCPA) of the Union government. It is also known as ‘Super Cabinet’ as it is the most important of all.

According to sources, it has been decided to call a winter session from 18 November to 24 December in the CCPA meeting held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

In the winter session, the opposition will try to surround the government on the issue of falling economy, inflation, employment and the arrest of local leaders in Jammu and Kashmir.

Besides various bills, the government plans to convert two crucial ordinances into law during the session.

One ordinance reducing corporate tax rate for new and domestic manufacturing companies to arrest slowdown in the economy and boost growth was issued in September to give effect to amendments in the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Finance Act, 2019.

The second ordinance, also issued in September, banned sale, manufacture and storage of e-cigarettes and similar products.

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