So far, Rs 366.34 crore sanctioned from pandemic fund in UP

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Lucknow, August 16: The Chief Minister’s Covid Care Fund has proved to be extremely helpful in view of better medical services during the global pandemic coronavirus infection period.

Through this, arrangements have been made for the purchase of essential equipment and medicines.

Additional Chief Secretary Home Awanish Kumar Awasthi said on Sunday that a total amount of more than 429.53 crores has been received so far in ‘Chief Minister’s Victim Assistance Fund-Covid Care Fund’.

“From this fund, an amount of Rs. 366.34 crore has been sanctioned to various medical institutions and district hospitals towards Covid prevention and equipment etc,” Awasthi apprised.

With this, in view of the surging of infection of deadly virus across the state, now the number of hotspots is near to reach 13 thousand.

At present, 83, 12,546 people of 13, 75,587 houses have been identified under 1,158 police stations of 12,891 hotspots in the state.

At the same time, the number of Corona positive people in these hotspot areas is 36,098. The number of institutional quarantined people is 17,707.

62,407 Covid Help Desk established, 6.51 lakh symptomatic people identified

So far, 62,407 Covid help desks have been set up in the state. Of which 6, 51,842 symptomatic individuals have been identified so far. To prevent corona infection, 60,428 people have been found symptomatic since August 02 through intensive surveillance.

85,055 passengers arriving by International Air Service by 15 August

He said that till August 15, 85,055 passengers have arrived in Uttar Pradesh from the International Air Service, of which 9,847 people are in Institutional Quarantine and 7261 people are in Home Quarantine. With this, a total of 8.61 lakh people travelled through 5987 buses in a day on Saturday in the state.

2.55 Crore Aarogya Setu App download in UP

So far, 15.06 crore people Aarogya Setu App have downloaded across the country, out of which 2.55 crore Aarogya Setu App has been downloaded in Uttar Pradesh.

There are 7, 96,549 units operating in the micro, small, medium and large categories in the state in which 50.29 lakh workers are employed.

He informed that 37,772 Covid help desks have been set up in industrial units with more than 20 employees, of which 36,672 pulse oximeters and 37,603 thermometers are available. There are 61,471 common service centres operating in the state in which 1,22,942 persons are employed.

Distribution of food grains on 3.33 crore ration cards

He said that under the ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana’, free food grains were distributed on ration cards every month from April to July 2020. Distribution of regular food grains has started from August 05 to August. So far, food grains have been distributed on 13.94 crore units of 3.33 crore ration cards against a total of 3.57 crore ration cards.

3,444 straw bank established

So far, 5.11 destitute cows have been preserved in 5098 cow conservation centres in the state. Arrangement of funds for maintenance at all cow shelters has been ensured. A total of 7.86 lakh quintal straw has been ensured by establishing a total of 3,444 straw banks in the districts of the state.

Rs 63.77 crore fine recovered during checking drive

Additional Chief Secretary Home said that in the action taken by the Police Department, so far, FIRs were registered against 1, 87,508 people under Section-188. So far, 67,777 vehicles have been seized in intensive checking of 1, 25, 36,277 vehicles in the state. A fine of Rs 63,77,03,150 was recovered during the checking operation. A total of 3, 50,182 vehicle permits have been issued for essential services.

He said that 390 people have been arrested, registering 791 FIRs against 1,068 people for black marketing and hoarding. Action has been taken under Fake News taking into consideration 2251 cases so far.

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