Lockdown 5.O Day 20: Asymptomatic person to be discharged after 10 days now, home quarantine mandatory

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Lucknow, June 20: So far, persons who no longer show any symptoms of coronavirus infection will be sent home after ten days without swab testing.

The state government has decided to do so as per the new discharge policy of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). A government order (GO) has also been issued in this regard.

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health Amit Mohan Prasad said on Saturday that the amendment in the discharge policy will be followed.

According to the discharge policy of ICMR, asymptomatic patients will be sent home after ten days without testing. However, it is important that he or she stays in the home quarantine for seven days after this. It will be mandatory to follow it.

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health said that in asymptomatic cases, it has come to light that after ten days he or she does not infect others. In view of this, the guidelines of ICMR are being followed.

The most common symptoms of coronavirus include dry cough, fever, and body fatigue. Apart from these, symptoms like sore throat, pain and breathing difficulties are also seen in the corona infected person. On the other hand, in asymptomatic cases, no symptoms are seen in the person. Only after testing of asymptomatic person, coronavirus infection comes to light.

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health said that the patients with symptoms will be discharged only after their corona testing is negative as before.

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