India vs Chinese virus: PM Modi extends nationwide lockdown till May 3, exemption in some areas after April 20

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Directions will be issued on April 15

Prime Minister Modi asked for cooperation on seven things

New Delhi, April 14: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his message to the nation on Tuesday at 10 am announced to extend the lockdown across the country till May 3 to prevent the spread of highly contagious coronavirus .

Along with this, PM also clarified that the conditional relaxation in the lockdown can be allowed from April 20 in the areas still untouched from the corona infection.

He said that detailed guidelines in this regard will be issued by the government on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his address to the nation at 10 am on Tuesday morning that experts, including the Chief Ministers of the states, believe that the lockdown should be pursued. Many states have already announced to increase the lockdown. Taking the opinion of everyone, we have decided to extend the lockdown across the country till 3 May (Sunday). A further increase of 19-day after the 21-day lockdown would result in a 40-day lockdown overall.

The Prime Minister said that the government’s objective is not to spread the corona infection to new areas of the country. For this, next one week the lockdown will be enforced more strictly in view of corona infection. The conditional relaxation in the lockdown will be allowed after one week i.e. from 20 April in the areas which follow the lockdown instructions strictly and those areas are still untouched from the infection.

โ€œHowever, this exemption will only be for the daily wagers, labourers and farmers who are the most affected by this pathogen.

Modi also clarified on exemption that, if the infection spreads in these areas, then all the concessions and relaxations will be terminated with immediate effect.

Modi said that at present it is the time for harvesting of Ravi crop in the country, in such a situation the Central and State Governments are trying to minimize the problems to the farmers.

He said that there is no shortage of goods in the country and the government is facilitating the movement of goods.

Apart from this, health related facilities are also being enhanced. In his message, the Prime Minister urged the young scientists of the country to make more efforts to create a vaccine against this disease so that the country and the world could benefit.

The Prime Minister said that India has taken timely steps due to which it is in a much better position than many powerful countries of the world.

โ€œWhen there was not a single corona patient in the country, since then we started the screening work of every passenger arriving at the airport. After this, we have been able to reduce the crisis to a great extent, by taking the necessary measures like quarantine of people coming  from other countries and taking drastic measures like lockdown of 21-day in time. Imagine the outbreak of Corona around the world, if we imagine it in India, it gives us goosebumps,โ€ PM Modi said.

The Prime Minister pointed out that that the country is very protected from Coronavirus infection to a great extent only by taking quick decision and timely integrated decision making process.

The Prime Minister said that social distancing and lockdown had to pay a huge economic cost but it is not more than the life of the countrymen. India’s efforts are praised all over the world.

The Prime Minister praised the work of state governments and voluntary organizations.

The Prime Minister during his speech first covered the mouth with a cotton cloth, although he removed it while delivering a speech.

He appealed to people to cover their mouths and nose in a similar manner.

Recalling Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the creator of the Indian constitution at the beginning of his address, he said that in the Preamble of the country constitution, “We the people of India” are taking this spirit forward and struggling together despite the troubles. While congratulating the festivals and the beginning of New Year in the country, he described the creation of festivals as inspiring and admirable by staying in people’s homes. He wished for the best health of the people.

At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister appealed to the people to take special care of seven things.

He said that special care should be taken of the elderly and sick people, use masks while following social distance, follow the suggestions of Ministry of AYUSH to continuously increase your resistance, download Arogya Setu App and suggest others also to download it, take care of the poor, take care of your employees and do not fire them job and also pay huge respect to frontline Covid-19 warriors like health workers and policemen.

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