India fast-tracks the development of two Covid-19 vaccines: ICMR

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New Delhi, 14 July: Balram Bhargava, Director-General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Tuesday that 60 percent of the world’s vaccine is manufactured in India. In view of the danger of coronavirus disease, instructions have been given to finish the human trials of two vaccines being made in the country at a fast pace.

“So far, human trials of both these vaccines have started. 1000–1000 people are participating in the vaccine trial. Its results will be revealed soon,” added Bhargava.

He said that the process of developing the vaccine will not be delayed by a single day. Pre-clinical experiments are also being done in Pune for the safety of the people and the quality of the vaccine. With this, vaccines are developed anywhere in the world, even then India is at the forefront of vaccine production. 60 percent of the world’s vaccine is manufactured here.

Professor Bhargava said that the process of making vaccines to protect against coronavirus infection has been accelerated all over the world.

“Russia has developed the vaccine, China is also working fast on making the vaccine. The US is also rapidly working on two vaccine candidates. The vaccine is most needed to break the corona infection chain. But until the vaccine is made, people should follow the ‘social vaccine’,” Professor concluded.

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