If electricity bill is unpaid for the period of 3 months, then encourage consumers to pay bills, don’t go for disconnection: Power Minister

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Lucknow, 22 December: If the electricity bill of customer remains unpaid for the period three months, then power staffs should visit the house of concerned customer to motivate him verbally to pay the pending bill, Uttar Pradesh Power Minister Shrikant Sharma instructed in a meeting of departmental officers.

Sharma also discussed the ‘line loss’ in the meeting and appealed to the public representatives and consumers for this.

He said that it should be brought in single digit, so that consumers will be able to arrange proper power.

The Power Minister said that first-time defaulted consumers should be encouraged to clear their dues by visiting their house and their connection should not be cut for three months. Along with this, Minister warned that without taking the list; no power staff will visit consumer’s house for ‘forced payment’.

Power Minister reviewed the progress of schemes and works under Dakshinchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam.

He said that ‘Sahi Bill, Time Pe Bill Aur Downloadable Bill’ is the right of the consumer. Ensure 100 percent probe billing by January 31.

Shrikant Sharma said that power problem should not arise in the coming summer. He also gave instructions to prepare for it now.

He said that efforts should be intensified to ensure tripping-free electricity to the district headquarters. Officers should be patrolling continuously.

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