Derogatory statement by SP leader Abu Azmi on the Jat community increases tension in Western UP

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Lucknow, 8 July: The politics of western Uttar Pradesh has heated up due to the controversial statement given by Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Abu Azmi on the Muzaffarnagar riots.

Before the assembly elections, the SP, which is weaving the fabric in western UP, is in trouble due to Azmi’s statement. Jats are angry with Abu Azmi’s derogatory remarks towards the Jat community. Tension has increased between the two communities in Jat land due to the bad language of SP and its leaders.

Azmi’s statement on a private channel humiliating Jats has caused outrage, especially among the youth. In this regard, a strategy of protest is being prepared at the local level. Politicians representing the Jat community have also lodged strong objections to this.

Yogi government’s cabinet minister Suresh Rana said that people of shallow and two pennies like Abu Azmi do not even have the status to take the names of Jats.

Rana further added that making a statement on a TV channels that after the Muzaffarnagar riots, Abu Azmi stated that the people of Jat community apologized by holding Maulana’s feet, is not only a gross insult to the entire Jat community, but is an attempt to humiliate the Jat community under a well-thought-out conspiracy.

He said that Jats have always been known for their courage, hard work and self-respect. The Jat community never forgets the insults. The SP and its allies have been continuously trying to weaken and humiliate the Jats by dividing them, but the Jat community will give them an answer.

Suresh Rana said that the Samajwadi Party has never stood with the Jats. Muzaffarnagar riots are an example of this. Unarmed people on their way home were attacked during the riots. The work of sending innocent people to jail was done at the behest of the SP government.

“The Jat community has not yet been able to forget this incident of humiliation and brutality. The wounds of the Jat community are still not healed. In the riots first innocent were sent to jail and now Samajwadi Party is getting verbal attacks on the Jat community through the leaders of its particular class,” he said.

Rana pointed out that anti-nationals like Abu Azmi are proving them guilty by giving the name of forgiveness to the rituals of Jats, while the Jat community suffered the most in the Muzaffarnagar riots. Dozens of Hindus lost their lives in the riots.

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