Change is necessary to make the United Nations useful and relevant: PM Modi

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New Delhi, 17 July: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that the rebirth of the United Nations is the need of the hour so that it can be kept useful and relevant in the present situation of the world.

He said that the United Nations was born 75 years ago amid the mess of World War II. However, in today’s present situation, this world organization needs to be reformed in times of crisis arising out of the coronavirus pandemic, only after its rebirth can keep it relevant.

Prime Minister Modi while addressing the session of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations said that globalization needs to be redefined in the world. The challenges facing the world can be met only through human-cantered globalization and ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Vishwas’.

He said that the Covid-19 pandemic is testing our patience and ability. In India, the fight against it has been made a mass campaign, in which participation of local level administration, organizations and social institutions has been ensured.

Referring to India’s campaign against Corona, he said that the rate of recovery of people suffering from this disease in the country is very good.

Referring to the development journey of India, he said that the socio-economic progress made in India is an exemplary example for other developing countries of the world.

The Prime Minister said that India’s tradition has been to live in harmony with nature. We conducted the world’s largest sanitation and single-use plastic reduction campaign. Internationally also India is working towards reducing climate change by doing solar alliance. Realizing its responsibility towards the Earth, India has reduced its carbon emissions by 38 million tonnes in the last few years.

Referring to the development work happening in India, the Prime Minister said that there is a plan to free the country from TB by 2025. India is working to provide safe roof to all people on completion of 75 years of its independence. Financial inclusion is also going on in the country through unique identification number, bank account and mobile connection.

The Prime Minister also mentioned that the first President of the Economic Social Council of the United Nations was an Indian. India has played a big role in shaping the council.

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