BF.7 Omicron: IMA advises to follow proper COVID protocols

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New Delhi, 22 December: The Indian Medical Association (IMA) on Thursday appealed to the public to follow appropriate behavior to prevent corona with immediate effect.

The IMA explained the necessary measures to avoid the outbreak of Corona in an advisory. These measures include wearing face masks in all public places, maintaining social distancing, washing hands regularly with soap or sanitizer. The IMA has advised avoiding public gatherings such as wedding ceremonies, political or social meetings and international travel.

The IMA has advised people to consult doctors in case of any symptoms like sore throat, fever, cough and upset stomach. They appealed to the people to get corona vaccination along with precautionary dose as soon as possible. Along with this, appealed to the government to issue necessary instructions to the concerned ministries and departments to provide emergency medicines, oxygen supplies and ambulance services so that any situation like 2021 can be avoided.

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