63,148 active cases of corona in UP, recovery rate exceeds 81%

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Lucknow, 22 September: The number of active cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus causing Covid-19 disease in the state has now increased to 63,148.

However, in the last twenty four hours, 5,722 new cases of infection were reported, while 6,589 people were cured and discharged.

So far, a total of 2, 96,183 people have been recovered from the virus infection.

The total number of deaths due to Covid-19 infection in the state has reached 5,212.

So far, 77 people have died in the last 24 hours.

At the same time, the rate of recovery of Covid patients in the state has increased to 81.25 percent at present, earlier it was 80.69 percent.

A total of 88.26 lakh corona samples have been tested so far

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health Amit Mohan Prasad said on Tuesday that a total of 1, 50,085 swab samples were screened on Monday in various laboratories of the state.

At the same time, a total of 88, 26,726 corona samples have been tested.

20,600 samples tested through 3,836 pools

On Monday, 20,600 samples were tested through 3,836 pools, he said. Of these, five samples per pool were tested through 3,552 pools, with 440 pools reported being positive. At the same time, 10 samples per pool were tested through 284 pools, of which 32 reported positive.

32,313 patients undergoing home isolation treatment

He apprised that out of the total active patients in the state, 32,313 people are availing the facility of home isolation i.e. treatment at home. At the same time, 3,864 people are receiving treatment in private hospitals and 219 people in the L-1 Plus Semi-bed facility centres.

Apart from these, the rest are admitted in government hospitals under the arrangement of L-1, L-2 and L-3 of the state government.

So far, a total of 1, 89,673 people have availed the facility of home isolation. Of these, 1, 57,360 people have been declared infection-free on completion of treatment time.

Health teams reach 121.8 million people

Health department teams are constantly reaching out and surveying people in various fields. So far, 3, 72,719 teams have surveyed 2, 45, 19,803 crore households in 1, 15,966 areas. Under this, medical screening of more than 12, 18, 04,691 crore people has been finished.

10,642 major surgeries performed from September 1 to September 21 this year

He informed that along with Covid care in the state, non-Covid care is also being given full priority. Last year, 14,826 major surgeries were performed in government hospitals from September 1 to September 21 in the state. 10,642 major surgeries were performed during the same time period this year despite the corona infection period.

7,039 children born in government hospitals in one day

Additional Chief Secretary Medical and Health said that along with Covid, full attention is also being given to non-Covid care in the state. Delivery facilities are being provided in government hospitals as before. On September 20, 7,039 infants were born in government hospitals in the state. These included 6,871 normal deliveries and 168 caesarean deliveries.

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