6 UK returnees infected with new strain of CoV along with those people came in contact with them admitted and isolated, confirms Health Ministry

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New Delhi, 29 December: New UK variant of coronavirus has also entered into the country. A new strain of virus has been found among six people who returned from Britain. This new type of coronavirus is highly contagious.

According to the Ministry of Health, samples of six people returned from there have been found to be infected with the UK variant genome, three of them admitted to Nimhans Bangalore, two to CCMB Hyderabad and one to NIV Pune.

According to the Union Health Ministry, all these infected people have been kept isolated in the Dedicated Medical Faculty by the State Governments.

However, those who came in contact with the infected people have also been quarantined.

Along with this, a tracing campaign has been started for those travelling with them, family contacts and others.

According to the information, genome sequencing of other samples is also happening. The status of all infected is being monitored.

The new form of the virus spreads 70% faster

Mutations occur continuously in the virus, that is, its properties change. Most variants are destroyed by mutation on their own, but sometimes they become many times stronger and more dangerous than before. This process happens so fast that scientists do not even understand one form and another form is revealed. Scientists estimate that the new form of the SARS-CoV-2 responsible virus for Covid-19 found in Britain is already more than 70 percent contagious.

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